Pre-interview coordination
You choose who, we'll make it happen
Service Description
Manage applicant interview selection and preparation, including: .: contacting shortlisted applicants for interview .: coordinating interview dates and times with panel members .: confirming applicant acceptance of interview date and time .: prepare online platform (Zoom or Teams) if video interviews are offered incl. individual links and access for panel and applicants .: prepare interview questions .: prepare interview scoring critera .: manage room bookings for onsite interviews (where applicable) .: collate post-interview scoring and prepare ranking for selection .: prepare post-interview correspondence for applicants including letter of offer. See add-on for support with coordinating and hosting online interview sessions. https://www.fwelitesolutions.com.au/service-page/coordinate-online-recruitment-interviews
Contact Details
Fran Watson Elite Solutions, Woodville Park Drive, Hoppers Crossing VIC, Australia